I found myself in between Apliiq’s soulful stitches, the hems of which I ordered to be created. I found myself on the rose printed sleeves, cotton woven with care. I was the shirt. It spoke of myself as if it was my other half. We are the perfect fit.
Coming across this company was captivating enough but having gone through the whole Apliiq experience was even more astounding. Unlike every other brand I’ve worked with where they ask you to pick out your favorites for the shoot, Apliiq asks you to design your own. They ask that you get creative and customize the entire shirt from print, to hems, to threads, to buttons, to collars. They have what every other brand has lacked to offer many others and myself. Now, this isn’t to bash any of you amazing brands – no not at all. This is simply praising Apliiq’s aesthetics which is self expression the brand and customer stitch together a creative relationship (no pun intended).
“We believe creativity makes people better. We are different because we popularize appliqué by delivering a fun, creative experience through excellence in customer service, just in time manufacturing and easy to use online technology. Right now, we make custom t shirts for individuals and groups.”
Thank you Ian from Apliiq for this wonderful opportunity to have born this “Grays and Roses” tee and helping me create a story behind this piece.
Jeanne wears [ Top by Apliiq, leather shorts by ShopTobi ]
In Collaboration with Apliiq.
Shot by Varick.