Fashion isn’t so serious when it’s done by The Eight Senses. It is more Human.
Push aside the noise. Forget the glitter.Close out the gold.
Theres is nothing more timeless than a classic cut with a modern twist alongside functionality given to you by The Eight Senses pieces. Fashion should never delay you, stop you or discomfort you in any way. It’s components are to enhance, balance and nutrify one’s persona.
To be able to see nothing but confidence within oneself, to hear and speak nothing but positivity to and of others therefore exuding a contagious fashion aroma of elegance. This is what your clothes should be able to do for you. Never hiding behind them but using them as a tool to fully create the truest you.
Elegant, sophisticated, meaningful yet simple and most of all, incredibly functional, The Eight Senses have designed every piece to fully allow all of who you are to create, achieve and be. The simplicity of each piece speaks volumes, enough for you to never have to overcompensate with pounds of jewelry. Their feel good material and flattering silhouettes never need extra attention as the details are enough to speak for you. We have been so consumed with noise that we’ve forgotten how loud silence can be. We have forgotten to be more human. Thunder never grew flowers, the rain did. You never have to be or wear loud to speak. Simplicity does that best.
Let The Eight Senses enhance, balance and nutrify your senses. Let The Eight Senses speak for you.
Stop by The Eight Senses Pop Up Shop this weekend at 120 Wooster, Soho, NYC