You drink (coffee) as the Romans do.
Roman 2.0 that is. They say that a great way to learn about your country is to leave it. I guess it stands true. I’ve learned a handful of things, one being that Americans know nothing. Let the truth be told.
- The idea of not drinking coffee is as foreign to Italians as the idea of having to explain its rituals.
2. Thou shalt only drink cappuccino, caffé latte, latte macchiato or any milky form of coffee in the morning, and never after a meal.Italians cringe at the thought of all that hot milk hitting a full stomach.
3. thou shalt not use the word espresso. This a technical term in Italian, not an everyday one. As espresso is the default setting and single the default dose, a single espresso is simply known as un caffè.
4. Thou shalt not sit down unless thou hast a very good reason. Coffee is a pleasurable drug, but a drug nevertheless, and should be downed in one, standing.
5. Thou shalt not eat on the go. Eating on the go. Romans look down on anyone chowing down on bus, metro, or on foot. It’s anathema to the entire philosophy of eating: Dinner should be a meal that you sit and enjoy, preferably for two, even three hours. Eating while doing anything else is seen as sloppy, desperate (can you really be that hungry?), and missing the whole point. The one exception: Gelato, which you’ll see whole families tucking into on their Sunday evening strolls.
Side note : I’ve decided to give my vest an upgrade and create a skirt out of it. Who’d think it would work? It was tied together with a leather belt. To give it a sense of balance, I’ve decided to wear a cropped bra with the look and sharpen the entire get up with a white blazer. Which brings me to my last one:
6. Thou shalt not limit themselves within their boxes. Fashion is food for the body. Explore and Expermient. But most of all, have fun!
In Collaboration with Vince.
Jeanne wears [ bralette by Theory, “skirt” Asymmetrical Frayed Vest by Vince, Blazer by The Fifth Label, Shoes by Steve Madden]