I can’t ever put my finger on it. Sundays are just my favorite.
Perhaps it’s the smell of my neighbors’ banana pancakes at 8 am dancing around my apartment. Maybe it’s the linen sheets and the slight peek of sunlight that’s peering into my bedroom at 10 am. Sundays are slow but steady, charming, warm and, in coffee terms, probably the best, most well tempered cup of espresso – ever.
Today, like any given Sunday, we spent it together. Storm, Varick and I. The sun was beautiful, the breeze perfect and we got to do everything we needed ( and wanted to do). We slightly changed things up by taking a detour and ran through Sunflower fields. It was just us and millions of sunflowers surrounding us ( and tons of bees).
And since everyone is going through the SMONDAYS today ( – moments when Sunday stops feeling like a Sunday and the anxiety of Monday kicks in.), here are a few of my favorite quotes to help you ease this week’s start away.
“Live your life as a journey. Make it your quest to be better every year”
“That moment when you look around and realize that you got through ti and you’re still standing strong.”
“I am still learning”
“Don’t think of what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours that you have in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.”
” When a woman is loved correctly, she becomes 10x the woman she was before.”
“You can’t cross the sea by merely standing and staring at the water.”
“If I learned anything from video games, it’s that if you come across enemies, then you’re going the right way.”
“Give everything while you can”
Make tons of mistakes. Mistakes mean you are growing and trying.”
“You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with so be brave enough to let go of those who keep weighing you down.”
This week will be amazing if your mentality about it is. Wishing everyone an amazing week ahead!
Jeanne wears [ backless silk tie dress from 2020ave, Calla Black Straw hat by Janessa Leone ]