On love, life and letting go.
One day, she took a step back. Then took a good look at her life. Then realized: She liked what she saw. she loved where she had been. And she loves what she’s becoming.
It hadn’t always been this way. I hadn’t always been this strong, this resilient. This brave. It was a lot of arranging. And even more rearranging. Like any garden, it took time to root for myself and watch it all grow.
Jeanne is wearing CLUB MONACO Absen Top, CLUB MONACO Wool Overalls,
Things really changed, when I became more generous to myself. I understood the seasons and that they come and they go. I stopped fearing the leaves falling away because I understood that it was all a part of a glorious cycle of becoming. Letting go of the old opened hidden doors to the mysterious present. Seeing old places as a place I’ve never been. Letting go has made me realize that no one else’s version of perfect would ever be right. So much so that I made my own version..
Jeanne is wearing CLUB MONACO Maarku Jacket, CLUB MONACO Yanessa pant
I’ve cultivated an everyday courage. Believing that the world would catch me. And she always did. Sometimes the landings were soft and sometimes it was not. But I always discovered in the end I was right where I needed to be. Letting go gives me a complete and unfailing sense of all I am capable of. I’ve put more life into my life than ever before.
Jeanne is wearing CLUB MONACO Helek Shirt
Letting go created the best version of herself. The version that included all of her. Stop fighting the old and start building the new. Allow fall to show you how beautiful it is to let go.
In Collaboration with Club Monaco.
An Editorial for AW16, Club Monaco.