Behind every great work, is no one woman, but a team of great women. These next few weeks, I want to highlight the women behind the scenes who work hard everyday with me. I met Elle a few years back through a project. She was the only one who was able to learn the ways of my face and perfect my less crease-ier eye than most people. Til today, I allow no one else to work on my face but her. And today, she tells you her story.
Intrigued by makeup at such a young age, around the same time I discovered my insecurities, I thought to pair them together and create something powerful. It completely flipped the switch on my not-so-great self esteem growing up and over time became obsessed with learning everything there was to it.
Seeing how sharing what I knew with others would positively affect their lives, as it did mine, completely changed the game for me.
Falling in love with a hobby that got me out of my insecurities, I was able to create a career from it. My daily is never the same. It usually consists mostly of meeting different people in different ways of life and as constants, you’ll usually find me washing my brushes, doing trend reports on the hottest looks and updating my kit to highlight only the best and newest products for my clients.
Don’t get me wrong, where there is growth, there are challenges. Being a full time makeup artist means a lot of sacrifices. The glam process waits for no woman ( or man). Breaks and eating aren’t exactly part of the process, but being a health babe, I always make time no matter what. The key is to snack as much throughout the day as possible if there are no real opportunities for meals. Apples, bananas, nuts, trail mixes, carrot sticks, etc. save my life! I pack a bunch of those with me for the day. If a full time vegan make-up artist can do it, you can too!
My crazy schedule often keeps me from giving time to myself. Sneaking in a skincare routine whenever I can is a must! I was recently introduced to Ellebox which is now my monthly reminder to take take care of myself! They know exactly what to send at the right time, whether it be chocolates or skincare products!
If I could give you one advice to you, it’s to find what makes you unique and USE IT! Let that uniqueness be the reason why people want to work with you and don’t let it go. Today, everyone is a makeup artist and while it’s amazing to see how much the industry has grown, it’s harder for anyone to really shine when we’re all doing the same thing. Stand out! Lastly, learn how to network and market yourself because while it’s easy to start a spark, the wildfires take over the world!
Check out Elle’s makeup tips and top of the line skincare secrets on her instagram.