I am unapologetically a women in pursuit of her dreams.
I started out young and naive, balancing responsibilities, pressures of perfection and societal acceptance. I was drawing confidence from anything and anyone that represented the woman I wanted to be.
A favorite pastime of mine was watching award shows and seeing these amazing women get awarded for achieving their dreams. It seemed simple for someone to walk across the stage, but for me, it was more than that. I saw myself in these powerful role models.
It inspired me to break out of my own insecurities and instead of drawing confidence in others, I learned to embrace my own flaws and face the world head on with a bag full of dreams. But being a woman with big dreams isn’t all that easy. This time I find myself fighting harder for opportunities, facing the pressures of being “as good as a man,” and societal limitations such as lower wages.
Although there were, and still are, obstacles in the way of pursuing my dreams, I look back at the moments when I saw watched these success driven, goal oriented, no-BS-taking women walk across the stage and thought about how many “firsts” there were in the last decade for us and how difficult it was to pave their own lane.
Here I am now CEO of my own company.
I want to take the time to thank all those creating opportunities for women, like Uber, so that we get the chance to make our dreams come true and live a life of being a hundred percent Unapologetic for it.