I used get woken up by the aroma of minced garlic sautéing rhythmically with drizzles of freshly squeezed lemon. My nose grew up knowing it to be Arroz Caldo. Closing my eyes as I take my first mouthful, Maharlika brought me back to how home tasted like, chicly ofcourse !
Read MoreAn Optional Blog Sidebar Layout
Sometimes you just want to mix it up, and now with our optional sidebar layout you can do just that. Choose to add a sidebar to the entire blog, or just to specific posts – the choice is really up to you! A fully widgetized sidebar is the perfect place for a signup form, some social media links, archives, search bar and more. Choice is a beautiful thing, isn’t it? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec purus arcu. Integer mauris tellus, laoreet sed porta ac, auctor vitae augue. Vestibulum ac lacus tellus. Nam rhoncus ipsum quis odio volutpat luctus. Aenean elit risus, pellentesque at convallis id, rutrum sed velit. Pellentesque at lacus felis. Vestibulum eu dapibus elit. Fusce tincidunt, risus a ultricies rhoncus, nisi erat viverra nunc, et rutrum neque sapien vel felis. Sed mauris nisl, scelerisque quis ex ac, hendrerit pellentesque urna. Suspendisse suscipit efficitur elit et commodo.Praesent hendrerit, ipsum vel dictum pretium, nunc quam efficitur eros, eu facilisis lacus mi faucibus turpis. Pellentesque orci leo, mattis vitae leo in, euismod feugiat augue. Duis augue risus, porttitor quis nunc in, semper malesuada tellus.
Read MoreThe balancing act
Don’t be fat, don’t be too skinny. Don’t eat too much, don’t eat too little. God do you ever stop eating? Woah do you ever eat? The not-so-well-concealed looks of disgust, the not-so-well-concealed looks of concern. Don’t be loud. Don’t be quiet. Have a voice in society, leave the talking to the big boys. You want something, speak up! No, no, when it’s your turn, sweetie. Ugh, she never shuts up, it’s obnoxious. Have you ever heard her talk? I don’t even know what her voice sounds like.
Read MoreBig, Bold Full-Width Blog Images
If you read our other post about how much we like single column blogs, then you’ll also know that we like great full width photos that demand your attention. So here are some more to really get our point across. It’s kind of like a gallery; calming, inspiring and a tad intimidating (in a good way) all at the same time. Sed sodales erat at quam mollis, nec maximus massa scelerisque. Maecenas sapien nisl, tempus vitae elit a, aliquet varius sapien. Donec egestas auctor euismod. Nam rutrum facilisis rhoncus. Aenean id eros mattis, maximus felis eu, auctor lectus. Mauris quis nisi ut lorem viverra varius tempor eget odio. Fusce ultricies mauris ut lectus gravida imperdiet. Sed mauris nisl, scelerisque quis ex ac, hendrerit pellentesque urna. Suspendisse suscipit efficitur elit et commodo.Praesent hendrerit, ipsum vel dictum pretium, nunc quam efficitur eros, eu facilisis lacus mi faucibus turpis. Pellentesque orci leo, mattis vitae leo in, euismod feugiat augue. Duis augue risus, porttitor quis nunc in, semper malesuada tellus.
Read MoreMe vs The World
i. Some days are harder than others. Some days will seem like the world is waiting for you to fail, but truthfully, the world is not concerned of you at all. So do not worry about judgement, move freely with no worries.
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