Packing my winter coats away, I find myself holding onto my leather jackets and turtlenecks.
Read MoreLots of Styled Headings for Structure
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec purus arcu. Integer mauris tellus, laoreet sed porta ac, auctor vitae augue. Vestibulum ac lacus tellus. Nam rhoncus ipsum quis odio volutpat luctus. Aenean elit risus, pellentesque at convallis id, rutrum sed velit. Pellentesque at lacus felis. Vestibulum eu dapibus elit. Here’s a sample heading Sed sodales erat at quam mollis, nec maximus massa scelerisque. Maecenas sapien nisl, tempus vitae elit a, aliquet varius sapien. Donec egestas auctor euismod. Nam rutrum facilisis rhoncus. Aenean id eros mattis, maximus felis eu, auctor lectus. Mauris quis nisi ut lorem viverra varius tempor eget odio. Fusce ultricies mauris ut lectus gravida imperdiet. And here’s another sample heading Sed mauris nisl, scelerisque quis ex ac, hendrerit pellentesque urna. Suspendisse suscipit efficitur elit et commodo. Praesent hendrerit, ipsum vel dictum pretium, nunc quam efficitur eros, eu facilisis lacus mi faucibus turpis. Pellentesque orci leo, mattis vitae leo in, euismod feugiat augue. Duis augue risus, porttitor quis nunc in, semper malesuada tellus. Yet another sample heading Nam dapibus quis tortor vitae blandit. Quisque a enim id diam elementum sodales. In pharetra at orci sit amet iaculis. Suspendisse porta tellus a tellus maximus, non pulvinar ipsum eleifend. Donec id velit placerat, sodales ligula eu, volutpat metus. Donec ut ex velit. Cras congue metus in fermentum posuere.
Read MoreUnexpected Beauty
Imperfections are beauty marks. They’re what makes you stand out in magical ways.
Read MoreMaking my mark.
I never thought this dream of mine would last this long, grow this big and make it this far. Not in a thousand years. My life was always pictured for me: In the medical field living someone else’s ambition while pretending to love what I do. A lot of lessons have been learned, most of them mastered due to heartaches and headaches combined, a couple of them I’m still continuing to cultivate within myself. 1. Humility The line differentiating knowing your good and showing off is this characteristic. Humility is talent in silence. You show it by how you carry yourself, how you speak to others and how you touch others with what you’ve achieved. People love that. Give the people what they love by remembering who you are, while not forgetting what you’ve achieved. That’s a lot, I know. Here’s more: 2. No excuses, say Yes. Figure it out after No matter what it is. Whether its not wanting to give a crap in the morning right when you wake up, to not wanting to do a task where you know you’ll thank yourself later for anyway. Get up, dress up, show up and do it. Keep doing things you’ll thank yourself for in the future. 3. Keep tabs On new projects, on new people you want to work with, but most especially, just of people in general. As evil as this sounds, everyone will want to take a piece of something that you have. Wolves in sheep’s clothing do exist. Be careful, tread lightly but never forget to be kind. Kindness is different from sharing your business. You may be kind while keeping things of your business lowkey. 4. And when they do you wrong, don’t get even. Get better. Do better and be even more kind than you were before. These are the people that deserve kindness the most. Not necessarily your kindness but perhaps you’re the only one that would give that value to them. Again, kindness need not be “sharing of assets”. It may be lending an ear or a hand. Forgive, but never forget. Never let anyone take advantage of you and here it is: Know where to put them. 5. Take care of the people that have helped you grow. Photographers, managers, brands, you have established a relationship with these people, you have taken time out of their lives just as they’ve taken time out of…
Read MoreRun with me.
Where the air is dry, the wind pacing your heartbeat and all that’s prancing within you are feelings of freedom.
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