2014, the year of learning, living, hurting, loving and more learning. Probably one of the greatest years that definitely shaped my life, no mistake about that. It was the year of my first apartment, the first time I got to decorate my own living room and cook in my own kitchen. It was the year I got my first tree and learned that maybe chinese leftovers for two weeks straight isn’t the smartest thing a 23 year old with her own kitchen should be doing. It was the year of responsibility but also the year of class. Prefering wine over vodka, nights in with the girls instead of sweaty bars and smelly clubs in New York City. Preferring tv show reruns and tea until 3 am instead of bottle service til the crack of dawn. Realizing I wasn’t born to work for anyone but myself, Be my own boss and run my own show. Realizing that perhaps I wasted tons of time with the wrong people. But then again realizing that it wasn’t time wasted since I walked away learning. Realizing that you only need about 3 good people in your life because those are the ones of who keep it the realest. Lessons and adventure? I was knee deep in both. Which makes me truly grateful.
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